Welcome to the Oxenrider Family Reunions website. it has been decided to re-create the website again. Pictures, updates, genealogy information, officers, and many other updates will be posted here and kept up to date. our family store will re appear for anyone who may be interested in purchasing any merchandise with our family crest on.
Information will be gathered from books and family members to re-create the family genealogy tree again. If any one has any updates or changes for the latest generations please forward all the information to Aaron at Aaron@oxenrider.net
If anyone would like anything posted on the new site please contact Aaron Oxenrider. The site is for all family members to post any updates within the family that should be passed on to the rest of our family.
Please be patient for updates to our website i am very busy with many other tasks, I only work on this in my free time. for any immediate updates or reunion status updates please see our family’s Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/groups/105486166217649/.
the family administration team is constantly looking for new ideas and improvement suggestions for our reunion. we are always searching for ways to make it more enjoyable for everyone. If you have a suggestion please let us know so we can implement it for our next reunion.